Happy Birthday America!

Crafters -

Today is Independence Day! Happy Birthday America!

I was fortunate enough last night to be able to watch the Columbus fireworks on TV with my family. This is Columbus' 200th year, so they really did it BIG! HUGE, as a matter of fact!

Red, White, and Boom 2012 was "BOOMing" as the news reported. If you missed the show, or are looking for something really good on TV tonight at 7pm, here's what one of the local stations wrote on their website: "If you missed the fireworks, don't worry! NBC4 will rebroadcast the biggest Independence fireworks display in the Midwest, Red, White & BOOM!, on Wednesday, July 4 at 7 p.m." and here's the article. Hope you enjoy the show as much as I did!

I loved watching the entire time (it was about 30 minutes or so), but I have to tell you - the last 10 minutes were FABULOUS! The colors, the coordination, the display, and the presentation were WOW! Isn't that neat? We plan our cards using the same thought-process - the colors, the coordination (of those colors), the display of the card, and finally, the presentation to the card recipient. Two totally different things - fireworks and cards - and yet, the behind the scenes thought-process is very similar is some ways...

Later this week, I'll be prepping for my downline meeting at the end of the month. Yes, I'm a bit of a planner...  :)  And the theme for my downline's shoebox swap is the "10-minute card." I may have to listen to the soundtrack from the Red, White and Boom show while I put together my shoebox swap card!

And if you'd like to stroll down Amnesia Lane with me for a minute... Here's me, about 25 years ago...
Me - from many, MANY, years ago...

And my kid brother and me together at our Grandma's...
Although he's my kid brother, he's WAY taller than me!
(don't you just LOVE my 80s hair!)

And our Grandpa from many more years ago...
My uncle and his boys look a LOT like my Grandpa!

When you see our military today, both current and veteran, please thank them. Our many freedoms come at such a price and at great sacrifice to them, yet they do so willingly. I thank God that we have a volunteer military in this country and I thank the many men and women and their families for blessing OUR lives so that we may continue to enjoy those freedoms.

Thank you! And Happy Birthday America!


  1. That is awesome! Thank you for your service! My son is Airforce and I truly know what service our great nation really means. Dawn, you are such a sweet and lovely person! I wish we lived closer to each other!

  2. I had no idea you had been in the service! Thank you and your family for serving! Happy 4th to you all!


  3. Gwen - I wish we lived closer too! We would have SUCH a GREAT time. Please thank your son for his service and sacrifice. When I look at our son, it really hits home. Thank YOU for your son!

  4. Jeannette - Hope you had a Happy 4th too! You looked wonderful when I saw you last week!


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