Louisville Regional!


What a GREAT time! Yesterday, several of us drove to Louisville, Kentucky for the Stampin'Up! Regional (Thanks so much to Steph for driving the ENTIRE time - YOU ROCK!).

Upon arrival, we saw the fabulous Bonnie Thurber. She was kind enough to pose for a picture.

Stampin'Up! changed the format for this Regional slightly. Some for the better and some I didn't enjoy as well (in my humble opinion). I LOVED how they have us all sitting at the lined-up tables with EVERYONE facing the front stage. That was SO NICE!  It allowed everyone to see the main stage without having to turn around.

After the initial introduction, everyone received crafting time to go to the TWO designated areas to complete the two Make-and-Takes. I wasn't sure about this, at first, then I decided that I really liked this change as well. There were a total of six of us that sat together; we broke into sets of two. Just like a restaurant - it is easier to get seats of two together, rather than a group of six to a table! (smile)

We were able to view all the displays and see the WOW demonstrations! This was the part I didn't enjoy as well. The WOW! demonstrations were throughout the area and they had those fabulous mirrors above the demonstrators so we could see, however - everyone wanted to see! I can say that I cannot blame them, but because of this set-up, you had to stand back and watch SEVERAL of the same demonstration before you could actually get to the front to see the samples and the demonstration displays. I'm not sure how they could do this better, but it did allow us to see the four different WOW! demonstrations up close and personal... eventually.

We then returned to our seats and, after the blessing, received our box lunches - YUMMY!

After lunch, SU! began the demonstrations on stage. The wonderfully talented (and I'm not just saying that because I won!) Carrie Cudney talked about us being savvy shoppers. Many of you have heard me say, because I heard it at Convention a few years ago, that we should purchase stamp sets that we can make five things out of - five techniques, five designs, five different things! That way, you receive the bigger bang for your buck (or the most for your money). And, Carrie discussed that exact same concept and showed us one such stamp set that could do this. She also showed us how to combine the new Dazzling Details with reinkers, to give wonderful color sparkles to our designs.
A little bit of Dazzling Details with a drop or two of colored reinkers

Here is the Dazzling Details with a blue reinker for the background on the scallop - BEAUTIFUL!

My new stamp set!

And the wonderful Carrie Cudney posing for a picture with me -
since I won the Prize Patrol and the stamp set that demonstrated!

Then on to the technologically savvy Holly Linford. She talked about punches and punch art. Now, I have to be honest here... I have several (ok, most) of the punches, but I usually use them for just, well, punch outs! I have altered a few of them, but Holly really took it to the next level. She showed us several cards on the stage, and one of them happened to showcase the local talent of Connie Babbert. I might add... I have this particular card. Connie gave me one of hers at Convention. Isn't this just the cutest?

Holly went on to talk about the Card Keeper that is sold. And she decided to announce that EVERYONE would receive one! Here's the box that it comes in, along with a sample from the screen.

And then Holly, Carrie, and Bonnie went on stage. This picture just does not do these ladies justice - they are all so beautiful. Wish I could have gotten a picture of them all smiling to the camera! Don't they look like they are having fun?

They discussed a Creative Journal Challenge for them and several others, at first. Then a challenge was issued to each of us as Regional attendees. Make your own! So, they gave us the pieces and parts to make our own! Carrie is helping to distributed the journals - I think she looks as happy passing out the prizes as WE are about receiving them. She's at the end of our row at this time.

I won't begin working on mine until after I finally finish my Master's Degree - so it will be AFTER January. I'll show pictures of mine at that time.

Oh, I forgot to tell you! When I won my stamp set, well, you are supposed stand up and wave your arms around (so they can see you clearly!) and are supposed to be just so excited (they actually require us to do that - NOT! - but we do it anyway because we really are so excited!) to receive fun, free stuff! Well, and I knew this, but... my wedding set is a little loose on my hand. When I stood up and waved my arms around, well, my wedding set FLEW off my hand! I heard it land somewhere but didn't see where it landed. Yeah, imagine the sinking feeling... This wonderful lady in the next row, almost to the right end of the row (I was nearer to the left end of our row), well, she found it! I must have REALLY been swinging my arms around! So as Holly is delivering my new stamp set, I'm reaching for my wedding set from this wonderful woman. I know Holly was looking at me really weird, and I wish I could have gotten a picture of her delivering my new stamp set for me, but I think my wedding set was just a bit more important. Thank you to this wonderful woman for returning my wedding set to me! I didn't get her name, but she was kind enough to pose for a picture with me. You will notice my set is not on my left hand in this picture. I've placed it on my RIGHT hand (those fingers are fatter - smile - and I'm really ok with that - NOW!). I'm NOT losing this again!

So, here we are at the end of the day. I've included a picture of two local demonstrators who sat with us. Barb is also one of our crafters at church with our card ministry - she makes the prettiest card designs! Talk about being blessed to know so many wonderful (and talented) crafters!

OH - and one last thing, I promise! Donna Griffith, during her demonstration, mentioned that we need to do some "framping". I had no idea what this was! Do you? It is a combination of the words "friends" and "stamping"! So - go do some FRAMPING! I like that new (to me) word. Friends and stamping. Throw in some chocolate and maybe a little coffee and this is bliss!

Hope you have enjoyed these pictures and the update from the Louisville Regional on Friday, October 28, 2011.


  1. Looks like all had fun! Love the cards!

  2. I think we did go framping! We definitely had the friend thing going and we did some stamping so--that sounds right to me.

  3. your photos came out GREAT! I haven't checked mine yet but often I wonder why I bother trying to take pics of the screen. Thanks for sharing and I am SO glad that you found your rings!

    We were there on Friday as well..great crowd! I also loved the long tables with everyone facing the stage...no stiff necks from trying to turn around to see.


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